The Music Project is an organization that aims to build orchestral communities thereby using music as a common language to bring children of different communities together. Dhow Foundation has supported the Music Project on two of their initiatives:
Dhow Foundation supported a programme initiated by the Music Project to teach the recorder to students from low income areas in Colombo as an after school activity. The programme is held at four schools and over 350 students are enrolled in the activity. The students are taught by undergraduates from the University of Colombo’s Department of Music.
This is a unique initiative between the Music Project and Beyond Skin in Northern Ireland that link students in the two countires through music. The aim of the project is to promote cultural education by encouraging students from both countries to collaborate in creating musical compositions. The project includes schools in Mullaitivu and Kurungegala in Sri Lanka and 4 schools in Nothern Ireland. The EFF offered initial support for the project by providing funding for the purchase of equipment and by enabling the founders of Beyond Skin to travel to Sri Lanka to get the project off the ground.